Exercise Failure. That is how I describe myself. Anyone else? Some people post their Pinterest Failures, I think that I should post my exercise failures. Except that I am too embarrassed to show anyone, so I won’t! But, I know I am not the only one. What type of exercise failure are you?
There are five exercise methods in my mind: and the key is to figure out which method will NOT fail you! And trust me, I thought I could do any of them if I put my mind to it, but it turns out, I am a failure at FOUR of them! Let me list my failures….

- Early Morning Exerciser. This is who I really (and I mean really) want to be. The person who gets up at o’ dark-thirty and is able to put in a good strong workout, then has a nice quiet breakfast, takes a shower and heads off to work. This is NOT me. Chalk it up to staying up too late the night before to finish some silly project or TV show, not sleeping well during the night, or my thyroid making me feel sleep drunk in the morning, I have a million excuses to NOT get out of bed in time to accomplish this.
- Short Bursts of Exercise throughout the Day. This is also not me. I work in an office with very set hours and lots of activity. I really am not able to take 10-15 minute increments to run the stairs in my skirt and heels, or take a brisk walk around the block to come back a little too warm with persperation frizzing my hair and making me glisten!
- After Work/Before Dinner Exerciser. I wish this one was possible too! I have four (including myself) people depending on me to keep their HANGER (hungry/anger) at bay and get a good, wholesome, filling meal into their growing bodies before they head off to the next activity, be it volleyball practice, awards ceremony or anything else the evening may bring.
- Right Before Bed Exerciser. Whew – this a tough one. When I do this – it strongly contributes to #1 and helps me not fall asleep (for HOURS)! So, if i had a good reason to stay away all night, I could start making a habit of working out right before bedtime. I certainly would be up for a while!!
- After Dinner and Before I Sit Down Exerciser. This. Is. Me. After all the greatest intentions of getting up early, taking the stairs every chance I get throughout the day, hitting the gym before I get home or jumping on the elliptical before bed
– I discovered the only way I will be consistent about getting exercise and NOT FAILING is if I actually do it between the hours of 7pm and 8pm in the evening, provided that I do not sit down anywhere, or have to go anywhere to taxi children or attend any other social engagements.
It seems pathetic but the reality is that I have discovered how to make exercise work for me, instead of trying to change my body/mind to make it exercise when clearly it isn’t ready to do so! This has been the only way that my New Year’s Resolutions have not been defeated, my goals of changing my shape, my energy levels and my confidence have not failed! Find the time that works for your schedule, your body and your mind! Sometimes all it takes is the right time of day!
Since I stay at home I like to get out and walk after breakfast. With that said it usually ends up to be about 10am. And that of course is if its not to windy, to cold, to hot … needless to say I am a fair weather exerciser 🙂 My husband by comparison is an earlier morning runner. He will go out as long as the temp outside is above 20 degrees – uggh!!!