I’m so excited to share this with you! My friend Tasha from Designer
Trapped in a Lawyer’s Body has a new video training series called “Build
Your Blogging Income” and she’s decided to offer it FOR FREE for a
limited time. Woo hoo!
Tasha has really mastered the best ways to earn money from blogging.
She’s been blogging less than 4 years and was able to give up her
partnership at her law firm over a year ago to blog full-time! And guess
what?! She’s actually earning more than she used to earn as a private
attorney. WHAT?! Needless to say, she’s a great person to learn from when
it comes to building your blogging income.
Build Your Blogging Income is a series of 3 awesome videos that will give
you an overview of ways to earn money blogging and teach you how to
evaluate those options that are the best fit for YOUR BLOG (because there
isn’t a one-size fits all approach). By the end of the training, you will have
all the information you need to develop a clear path to build your
blogging income!
The first video, which will give you an overview of the different ways
bloggers can earn money along with specific examples, will be released on
September 12th. Tasha includes some income opportunities in this video
that I can almost guarantee you have never thought of, so you don’t want
to miss it!
You MUST sign-up soon to get access to it, so don’t wait. You can click here to register and be sure to use the code
“BUILD” at checkout to get it for free!
It was great meeting you at Activate! Thanks for letting me know about Tasha’s video series.