As my kids get older, the thing that worries me the most is watching them become more independent and need me less. I know that is the goal - they need to be strong independent adults! I am just not … [Read more...]
Succulent Garden Inspiration
I am in LOVE with all the succulent gardens that are popping up everywhere. They are just beautiful. The muted colors and the small sizes make a succulent garden the perfect quick project for a Sunday … [Read more...]
Spring Cleaning – a whole new way!
Spring cleaning feels amazing after a long, cold, dark winter. What a good feeling to get into all the nooks and crannies and get organized and clean! The other day, I looked in my bathroom cabinet … [Read more...]
Chicken Peach Broccoli Casserole
Chicken Peach Broccoli Casserole This dish is one of my family’s favorites. It came from a cookbook that my elementary school put together for a fund raiser. My mom made it for us … [Read more...]
Family Vacations – Why You Need Them!
What am I supposed to say when my eleven year old daughter says "Mom, why would you bring an eleven year old to a place like this?" Our most recent family vacation was to Las Vegas. We did not go to … [Read more...]
Customer Service: Lost Art
Picture this: I am wandering around the gigantic wal-mart store trying to find one silly little item -a bag of wrapped caramels for making the most amazing dessert- and I can't find them. I wander in … [Read more...]